So you are interested in being a 2025 Troy, Ohio PorchFest
Musician? September 13, 2025
If you would like to be a 2025 musician, fill out the form below. Your application will be submitted to our concert hosts along with other musicians that are attracted to your genre. As soon as we can match you with a host we will connect with you. It all starts with your application.
You don't need to live in the Southwest Historic Neighborhood to perform at the Troy, Ohio PorchFest. We can help, there are places and porches that need musicians! The 2025 Troy, Ohio PorchFest will have 40 concert hosts. These hosts will review the bands that have applied and choose a band based on the information that you provide on the form below. Videos of a live performance is very important to our concert hosts to get to know your band. We can't promise that everyone will get a spot but we are happy that you want to play in Troy and will do our best. We will get back with you as soon as we can. We hope to have a porch approved for you within a month or so. We hope to have all the final decisions made before the end of August 2025. Early applicants have a natural priority.
Tip buckets will be provided at each porch. We were pleased to hear that many of our musicians were happy with their community donations. The Hayner has made a commitment to provide $200 to each band that is matched with concert hosts to make our 40 bands on 40 porches.
I want to Apply to be a 2025 Troy, Ohio PorchFest Musician